casting wheel quality

You’re in the right place for casting wheel quality.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on JWHEEL.we guarantee that it’s here on JWHEEL.
The product has good electromagnetic compatibility. It has the ability to work correctly when it is close together with other devices. .
We aim to provide the highest quality casting wheel quality.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Wheel Quality Control from Melting Products | JWHEEL
    Wheel Quality Control from Melting Products | JWHEEL
    JWHEEL starts with incoming aluminum raw materials, ensuring personnel safety, equipment safety and raw material quality, thus ensuring the quality of the final product, layer by layer.
  • How to Choose the Car Wheel with Different Processes?? | JWHEEL
    How to Choose the Car Wheel with Different Processes?? | JWHEEL
    At present, there are three mainstream process wheel hubs on the market, low pressure casting wheels, flow formed hub and forging hub. This is main technology on the market at present, and some manufacturers also make gravity wheels. Let's talk about the differences and craftsmanship of these types of wheels. 
  • JWHEEL Customized Low Pressure Casting Wheel J490
    JWHEEL Customized Low Pressure Casting Wheel J490
    LOW PRESSURE CASTINGLow pressure casting uses positive pressure to move the molten aluminum into the mold quicker and achieve a finished product that has improved mechanical properties (more dense) over a gravity cast wheel. Low-pressure casting has a slightly higher production cost over gravity casting. Low pressure is the most common process approved for aluminum wheels sold to the O.E.M. market. Low-pressure cast wheels offer a good value for the aftermarket as well. Some companies offer wheels that are produced under a higher pressure in special casting equipment to create a wheel that is lighter and stronger than a wheel produced in low pressure. Once again in the quest for lighter weight, there is a higher cost associated with the process.
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